10 Inexpensive ways to secure your home

Your home is not just an abode but a heaven for you and your family. Not only should it feel welcoming but it should also be safe. This becomes especially important if you have children or leave the house unattended. A secure home ensures the safety and well-being of its residents and protection for you belongings and valuable possessions.
To upgrade residential safety, one does not necessarily have to shell a huge amount of money. There are plenty of cheap home security hacks that you can use along with inexpensive security devices.
Here are ten inexpensive ways that can be used to boost home security.
1.) Installing locks
Unlocked doors and windows are open invitation to burglars so the first step to improve home security is by installation of quality locks on all doors and windows. Locks are one of the oldest and most cost effective security devices available. However ensure the locks you are using comply with the relevant Australian standard.
There are locks that can be fitted with anti-pick features to make them pick proof. These are worth considering on all doors that lead into the house especially the front and back doors. Don't forget to secure your windows with appropriate window locks also.
Finally if you have recently moved into a new house or has lost a key, consider replacing the locks at your earliest convenience.

2.) Reinforce Doors and Windows
As door and windows are two modes via which intruders can gain access into a house, it is therefore important to reinforce these where practical. In older homes, heavy duty strike plates can be made use of to reinforce the jamb of a door, which is generally a weak area that allows intruders to enter by forcing the door open. These strike plates make it harder for the door to be opened by kicking or using force.
Sliding and patio doors can be secured using inexpensive security devices such as a heavy-duty door stick or patio locks installed at foot or top of these doors.
Another home security tip is to use window stops to prevent the windows from being opened more than a few inches and minimise chances of a person using them to enter a home.
3.) Installing Basic Surveillance System
Getting a basic surveillance system that might include just a couple of cameras can boost home security. Presence of cameras on a property may sow seeds of doubts in a would-be intruder’s mind. In case of a robbery or break-in, these can help in identifying suspects. They may also allow a person to monitor their home as well as become aware of any trespasser while they are away.
Some of these systems are downright cheap though they may not have all the features of their high-end counterparts. A few models are powered by battery while others allow Wi-Fi connectivity eliminating need of major remodelling.
There are standalone cameras also available that can be attached to a computer or laptop and don’t require additional surveillance or home security equipment.
4.) Store Valuables Safely
Intruders most commonly aim to take off with smaller items like cash, jewellery and other valuable belongings. The first place they will look is in closets, wardrobes and drawers especially in bedrooms. To improve home security, it is best to store these in a place that would be out of ordinary and hard to guess for the thieves.
For people looking for cheap home security hacks, a hiding spot that is well concealed such as a small closet in a wall or floor in an unorthodox area of the house can be used to safeguard the valuables.
A small safe can be quite economical and can protect these better in case an intruder comes in resulting in a more secure home. For more sophisticated security, having a safe that includes a bio-metric scanner or a password can be opted for.
Remember though a safe must be integrated into the wall or the floor and must be very hard to remove as thieves will make off with the whole safe if it is not fixed permanently.

5.) Motion Sensor Light
Another way to improve home security is to make use of motion sensor lights. These lights have sensors that automatically switch on the lights whenever movement is detected hence improving home safety. This illuminates the area and allows a person to become aware of who is on the property by drawing attention of both residents and neighbors. This may cause the intruder to instinctively leave the premises at the earliest.
Motion sensor lights come in different ratings and sizes to suit all budgets. There are available as low-cost porch lights which are inexpensive security devices as well as floodlights and can be installed to boost home security.
Some lights even feature an alarm to further improve their functionality specifically during the day. Motion sensor lights make for an ideal addition to outdoor areas in front and back of houses especially on porch and lawns. They fill the dual purpose of illuminating the area at night and providing protection to help make your home safer.
6.) Alarm Systems
Alarms are one of the best ways to improve home security. There are inexpensive alarms available for both doors and windows. The alarm may run on portable batteries or mains. These are easy to install and work based on a magnetic strip in contact with the door or window. These emit a high pitch sound whenever a door or window that the alarm is installed on is opened without disabling the alarm. The noise is bound to attract attention causing the intruder to run away.
The door and window alarms are not as sophisticated as a residential security system, but they provide some form of protection at minimal cost. They can be used in windows and doors that are rarely used, are hidden from sight or are kept locked. These are perfect for individuals looking for cheap home security hacks.
A residential security system is much more advanced and can be opted for by people who can extend their budget. Monitored systems may even alert security services regarding the break-in leading them to act swiftly.

7.) Use Curtains and Shades
Another way to make your home safer is by ensuring the inside of the house is not visible to passersby and people outside. This can be accomplished by making use of curtains, drapes and shades on windows and doors.
Intruders generally like to ensure that a house is empty before they break-in. A house with curtains closed will make it difficult for the thieves to identify if the house is empty or not. This may lead to a doubt creeping in their mind and them abandoning their plan of breaking and entering.
There are curtains and shades available that are transparent enough to allow sunlight while shielding the interior of the house from prying eyes.
8.) Leave a light on
Most robberies and break-ins happen when a home is empty. Hence, the best home security tip to deter an intruder from entering a home is to make them believe that the home is occupied. The same can be accomplished by leaving a light or two as well as some appliances like radio or TV switched on.
While many criminals are aware of this tactic there are a few inexpensive security devices also available that can switch on lights and electronic items at user defined time or even randomly. This makes it much harder to know which houses are unoccupied, even over several days.
They even allow control of lights and home appliances using a simple mobile app which turns your smart phone into a useful piece of home security equipment. A person can at random switch on or off a few of electronics and lights while they are at work or on vacation. To any intruder from outside, it may appear as though someone is home and they might not take a chance of entering.
9.) Speak to your neighbors
If you're planning on being absent for any extended period of time ask your neighbours to move your bins and collect your mail.
A pile of junk mail around your letterbox is a dead giveaway that your home in empty and vulnerable.
This doesn't only apply when you're away either. Many home owners allow unaddressed mail to build up even when they are home which can increase your chances of being broken into as a potential intruder may incorrectly assume the home is unoccupied.

10.) Decoys
If you can't stump up for a home security system you can still boost our home security by making use of dummy home security equipment to mislead prospective intruders into thinking that the property is protected. Many manufacturers supply dummy models that look just like original cameras but don’t actually enable monitoring. Installation of fake cameras can deter intruders from entering though in case of a break-in, they won’t be of actual help in identifying the perpetrators.
Along with these, signs such as “You are under surveillance” and “Beware of dogs” can discourage intruders from entering the house. These signs and stickers can be installed at fences or boundary of the property.
Keep track of the little things
Modern day thieves look for signs that give them an idea regarding whether a person is at home or away and generally speaking will go for the softest target.
By making note of a few home security tips and taking precautions, you can easily improve your home security. A full mailbox and empty bins are signs of an unoccupied home. It is wise to ask a neighbour to keep an eye on the house if you're going to be away for any extended period of time.
Social media is also a boon for perpetrators as it allows them to find out who's is going away and makes it easier for them to identify their targets. Make sure your privacy settings are set so only people you know and trust can see what you're up to.
Though these tips do not eliminate chances of trespassing completely they can help significantly reduce the chance and impact of a potential break-in.